다이빙 갤러리를 확인해보세요! 👌
주니어 오픈워터 개방수역!!
JJin dive scuba diving center is located in the Datag, Maribago, located before Kontiki Resort on the island of Mactan in Cebu. It is directly adjacent to the sea and has resort accommodation, which is the best condition for divers. You can enjoy scuba diving and marine sports.
입금 계좌안내
카카오뱅크 3333-24-6239082
예금주 이진욱
Kontiki, Datag, Maribago, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu
주니어 오픈워터 개방수역!!
어리다고 놀리지 말아요~~ㅎㅎ
다이빙은 아주 잘 한답니다^^
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